Playlist #1 - Hope

Playlist #1 - Hope

19 avr. 2021
En collaboration avec Radio 100,7

Hutt dir iech ëmmer scho gefrot wéi lëtzebuergesch Musek wierklech kléngt? Dann sidd dir hei genau richteg!

D'Museksgurue vum radio 100,7 hunn e puer fantastesch Playlëschten zesumme gestallt. Vu Pop iwwer Rock bis hin zu Klassesch a Jazz; hei fannt dir alles wat är Ouere begeeschtert.

Lauschtert eran an entdeckt wat déi lëtzebuergesch Musekszeen ze bidden hued!


We all miss going to concerts and everything that comes with it: loud music, sweaty clubs and stale beer. Don’t you miss the feeling of getting loss in a huge crowd? Dancing like there’s no tomorrow and waking up with ringing ears?

This playlist is a selection of rock tunes intended to give hope for a summer with live music. New songs by Tuys, Francis of Delirium and Daniel Balthasar converge with classics from the likes of La Fa Connected, Versus You and Eternal Tango.